Softstarters & Accessories

332 Found

PSE, Softstart, 68 FLA, 60 FLA.

Item #: 0878032
CAT #: PSE72-600-70
UPC: 804325571630
$ 1827.85 EA
Company wide:
5 in stock

ATK300 Lug Kit

Item #: 2007628
CAT #: 1SFN075417R1001
UPC: 662019702599
$ 61.72 EA
Company wide:
24 in stock

ATK300/2 Lug Kit

Item #: 2032591
CAT #: 1SFN075417R1002
UPC: 662019702605
$ 99.84 EA
Company wide:
2 in stock

PSE, Softstart, 130 FLA, 104 FLA.

Item #: 0879344
CAT #: PSE142-600-70
UPC: 804325571661
$ 2768.13 EA
Company wide:
9 in stock

PSE, Softstart, 104 FLA, 80 FLA.

Item #: 0879342
CAT #: PSE105-600-70
UPC: 804325571654
$ 2317.04 EA
Company wide:
2 in stock

Softstarter, 105A, 208 - 600VAC, 100 - 250VAc Control, 3PH (Lugs Built In, Good For Up To 2/0)

Item #: 0162275
CAT #: PSTX105-600-70
UPC: 320500501310
$ 3292.47 EA
Company wide:
4 in stock

Terminal Lug Kit, Wire Range: 6 - 250 MCM

Item #: 2007440
CAT #: 1SFN074817R1001
$ 40.84 EA
Company wide:
3 in stock

(2) Terminal Shrouds

Item #: 0123143
CAT #: LT205-30L
UPC: 320500481483
$ 20.95 EA
Company wide:
5 in stock

Soft Starter 200mm 240a W/ Opt Inside The Delta

Item #: 0923627
CAT #: S811+T24N3S
UPC: 786685558981
$ 6336.28 EA
Company wide:
35 in stock

PSR, Softstarter, 15.2 FLA

Item #: 0696825
CAT #: PSR16-600-70
UPC: 662019261560
$ 454.04 EA
Company wide:
4 in stock

PSTX250 600V 100-250VAC

Item #: 0162296
CAT #: PSTX250-600-70
UPC: 320500501549
$ 5739.86 EA
Company wide:
3 in stock

Softstarter, 208-600VAC, 100-250VAC Control, 24VDC, 370A, Overload

Item #: 0162300
CAT #: PSTX370-600-70
UPC: 320500501532
$ 7733.22 EA
Company wide:
6 in stock

Softstarter, 210A, 600VAC Main Voltage, 100-250 VAC Control, 50/60 Hz

Item #: 1896496
CAT #: PSE210-600-70-1
UPC: 320500515027
$ 3566.35 EA
Company wide:
6 in stock

PSR, Softstarter, 46.2 FLA

Item #: 0694886
CAT #: 1SFA896111R7000
UPC: 662019261980
$ 937.37 EA
Company wide:
2 in stock

Softstarter - 72A - 208 - 600VAC, 100 - 250VAC Control, 3PH

Item #: 0162272
CAT #: PSTX72-600-70
UPC: 320500501402
$ 2587.99 EA
Company wide:
3 in stock

PSR, Softstarter, 28 FLA

Item #: 0696838
CAT #: PSR30-600-70
UPC: 662019261812
$ 600.50 EA
Company wide:
6 in stock

PSE, Softstart, 68 FLA, 60 FLA.

PSE Series Softstart (Compact Style.) Motor Voltage: 208 - 600 Volt AC. Control Voltage: 120/240 Volt AC. Normal Duty: 68 FLA (Full Load Amps). Heavy Duty: 60 FLA (Full Load Amps). Screw Mount. Includes: Digital Keypad, Optional FieldBus Communication, Overload Protection and By-Pass.
Item #: 0878032
CAT #: PSE72-600-70
UPC: 804325571630
$ 1827.85 EA
Company wide:
5 in stock

ATK300 Lug Kit

ATK300 Lug Kit, Wire Range: 4 - 400 MCM
Item #: 2007628
CAT #: 1SFN075417R1001
UPC: 662019702599
$ 61.72 EA
Company wide:
24 in stock

ATK300/2 Lug Kit

ATK300/2 Lug Kit, Wire Range: Parallel Lugs 4 - 500 MCM
Item #: 2032591
CAT #: 1SFN075417R1002
UPC: 662019702605
$ 99.84 EA
Company wide:
2 in stock

PSE, Softstart, 130 FLA, 104 FLA.

PSE Series Softstart (Compact Style.) Motor Voltage: 208V-600V AC. Control Voltage: 120V-240V AC. Normal Duty: 130 FLA (Full Load Amps). Heavy Duty: 104 FLA (Full Load Amps). Screw Mount. Includes: Digital Keypad, Optional FieldBus Communication, Overload Protection and By-Pass. ***Lugs Required, See Associated Items For Lugs***
Item #: 0879344
CAT #: PSE142-600-70
UPC: 804325571661
$ 2768.13 EA
Company wide:
9 in stock

PSE, Softstart, 104 FLA, 80 FLA.

PSE Series Softstart (Compact Style.) Motor Voltage: 208V-600V AC. Control Voltage: 120V-240V AC. Normal Duty: 104 FLA (Full Load Amps). Heavy Duty: 80 FLA (Full Load Amps). Screw Mount. Includes: Digital Keypad, Optional FieldBus Communication, Overload Protection and By-Pass.
Item #: 0879342
CAT #: PSE105-600-70
UPC: 804325571654
$ 2317.04 EA
Company wide:
2 in stock

Softstarter, 105A, 208 - 600VAC, 100 - 250VAc Control, 3PH (Lugs Built In, Good For Up To 2/0)

Softstarter PSTX105-600-70 has a rated maximum operational current of 105 A with an operating voltage span from 208...600 V AC. The rated control voltage is between 100...250 V AC at 50/60 Hz. PSTX features a three-phase control soft start and stop through a voltage or a torque ramp. It has built-in bypass for easy installation and energy saving. A RUN, TOR and Event signal is available from relay outputs in NO (normally open state). The PSTX has functions such as current limit, kickstart, analog output, EOL, motor heating and pump cleaning. PSTX also features features jog, braking, stand-still brake, diagnostics, sequence start and emergency/fire pump mode as standard, lugs built in, good for up to 2/0
Item #: 0162275
CAT #: PSTX105-600-70
UPC: 320500501310
$ 3292.47 EA
Company wide:
4 in stock

Terminal Lug Kit, Wire Range: 6 - 250 MCM

Terminal Lug Kit, Wire Range: 6 - 250 MCM
Item #: 2007440
CAT #: 1SFN074817R1001
$ 40.84 EA
Company wide:
3 in stock

(2) Terminal Shrouds

Terminal Shroud for Compression Lugs. For use with AF190 - AF205 Series Contactors. Includes: 2 Shrouds.
Item #: 0123143
CAT #: LT205-30L
UPC: 320500481483
$ 20.95 EA
Company wide:
5 in stock

Soft Starter 200mm 240a W/ Opt Inside The Delta

S811 Series Communicating Softstarter. Control Voltage: 24V DC. Load Voltage: 200 - 575V AC, 240 Amp, Non-Combination, 200 mm Frame Size. 15-Second Ramp, 4 Starts per Hour, 300% Current Limit @ 40 Degrees Celcius. Hp Ratings: 60 @ 200V, 75 @ 230V, 150 @ 460V. Includes: Internal Solid-State Overload Protection, Run Bypass Mode. ***Must use C-H Power Supply and (2) Lug Kits***
Item #: 0923627
CAT #: S811+T24N3S
UPC: 786685558981
$ 6336.28 EA
Company wide:
35 in stock

PSR, Softstarter, 15.2 FLA

PSR Series Softstart (Compact style). 15.2 FLA (Full Load Amps). Motor Voltage: 208V - 600V AC. Control Voltage: 120V - 240V AC. Din-Rail/Screw Mountable. Requires: TA25 Series Overload Protection & DB25 Series Mounting Kit.
Item #: 0696825
CAT #: PSR16-600-70
UPC: 662019261560
$ 454.04 EA
Company wide:
4 in stock

PSTX250 600V 100-250VAC

PSTX250 600V 100-250VAC
Item #: 0162296
CAT #: PSTX250-600-70
UPC: 320500501549
$ 5739.86 EA
Company wide:
3 in stock

Softstarter, 208-600VAC, 100-250VAC Control, 24VDC, 370A, Overload

PSTX370-600-70, Softstarter, 208 - 600 Volt AC Main Voltage, 100 - 250 Volt AC, 50/60Hz, Control Voltage, 24 Volt DC Control, IEC Maximum of 370 Amp, Built Electronic Overload Protection, 10 Inch Width, 19 Inch Height, 11 Inch Depth
Item #: 0162300
CAT #: PSTX370-600-70
UPC: 320500501532
$ 7733.22 EA
Company wide:
6 in stock

Softstarter, 210A, 600VAC Main Voltage, 100-250 VAC Control, 50/60 Hz

Softstarter, 600 Volt AC Main Voltage, 100-250 Volt AC Control Supply, 50/60 Hz, 210 Amp
Item #: 1896496
CAT #: PSE210-600-70-1
UPC: 320500515027
$ 3566.35 EA
Company wide:
6 in stock

PSR, Softstarter, 46.2 FLA

PSR Series Softstart (Compact style). 46.2 FLA (Full Load Amps). Motor Voltage: 208V - 600V AC. Control Voltage: 120V - 240V AC. Din-Rail/Screw Mountable. Requires: TA75 Series Overload Protection & DB80 Series Mounting Kit.
Item #: 0694886
CAT #: 1SFA896111R7000
UPC: 662019261980
$ 937.37 EA
Company wide:
2 in stock

Softstarter - 72A - 208 - 600VAC, 100 - 250VAC Control, 3PH

PSTX72-690-70 Softstarter For Max 690V Main Voltage & 100 - 250V 50/60Hz Control Supply Voltage IEC Maximum of 72 Amp, 6 Inch Width, 12 Inch Height, 8 Inch Depth
Item #: 0162272
CAT #: PSTX72-600-70
UPC: 320500501402
$ 2587.99 EA
Company wide:
3 in stock

PSR, Softstarter, 28 FLA

PSR Series Softstart (Compact style). 28.0 FLA (Full Load Amps). Motor Voltage: 208V - 600V AC. Control Voltage: 120V - 240V AC. Din-Rail/Screw Mountable. Requires: TA25 Series Overload Protection & DB25 Series Mounting Kit.
Item #: 0696838
CAT #: PSR30-600-70
UPC: 662019261812
$ 600.50 EA
Company wide:
6 in stock
Page 1 of 21
332 Items found