Rooftop Pipe Support, 4" Pier, Supports 50 Pound Loads

Item #: 0668433

Cat #: RPS50H4EG

UPC: 782856586050

$ 49.03 EA
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2,002 in stock
Rooftop Pipe Support, 4" Pier, Supports 50 Pound Loads


Rooftop Pipe Support, 4" Pier, Supports 50 Pound Loads
Replaces slow and labor-intensive installation methods Supports pipe, conduit, cable tray and equipment on roofs and below raised floors Easily increase load capacity by combining similar nVent CADDY Pyramid supports Protects the roof membrane while absorbing shock and vibration, without absorbing water Metal cover protects against weather and other environmental conditions, such as bird damage
Also known as: 782856586050, RPS50H4EG, CDYRPS50H4EG, dps, pier block, strut block, sleeper, pipe support, zilla blocks, pyramid, roof block


Material: Polyethylene, Steel
Diameter: 4 in
Material: Polyethylene, Steel
Diameter: 4 in

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