MLT Tie, 304 SS, Double Wrap, Heavy, 18.

Item #: 0617269
Cat #: MLT2DH-L
UPC: 074983483518
$ 2.26 EA
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Pan-Steel® Double Wrapped Self-locking Cable Ties speed up installation with a unique self-locking head design that locks into any part of the tie. Plus, the smooth and safe 304 AISI stainless steel cable tie passes through the head twice, providing addit


Pan-Steel® Double Wrapped Self-locking Cable Ties speed up installation with a unique self-locking head design that locks into any part of the tie. Plus, the smooth and safe 304 AISI stainless steel cable tie passes through the head twice, providing addit
Pan-Steel® Double Wrapped Self-locking Cable Ties speed up installation with a unique self-locking head design that locks into any part of the tie. Plus, the smooth and safe 304 AISI stainless steel cable tie passes through the head twice, providing additional strength in short circuit applications up to 71.5kA. Heavy cross section, Max bundle diameter: 2.0in, 18.5in, Tensile Strength: 2670, 50pc.
Also known as: 074983483518, MLT2DH-L, PDTMLT2DHL


Color: Natural
Material: Stainless Steel
Color: Natural
Material: Stainless Steel

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